Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Quick TTC Update

Just a quick TTC update.

I have no idea what is going on with this cycle. I'm not sure if I ovulated or not. The day I was supposed to ovulate was the day of the HORRIBLE doctors appointment so I am just hoping that I was stressed out and that it just delayed Ovulation.

I am so scared that this cycle, or any future cycle will be annovulatory. Not only do I want every possible opportunity that I can get, but I am so afraid of another obstacle to have to overcome. I WANT TO OVULATE ON MY OWN SO BAD. I don't want another reason to be 'broken'.

I did get my hemoglobin a1c results back from the doctor and the numbers are elevated a bit, 6.6. I really did not want to follow up with that doctor so I called my regular CF doc. The nurse (who I love, she is so nice) told me that I should get a meter (which luckily my mom has tons of laying around her house) and check my blood sugars a few times a day. Hopefully I will not have to end up taking insulin, but if it at all helps the chances of us getting PG, I will welcome it with open arms.


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  1. Have you had anyone talk to you about PCOS? I'm no doctor, but it kind of sounds like what I have been (and am currently) going through.

    1. Ya, I've always thought about the possibility. I have a Pap scheduled for May,so I think I will talk to the doctor about it then.

    2. Probably a good idea. I didn't cycle for 4 months because I wasn't ovulating due to the PCOS. Now I'm on Metformin and it's regulating my body which is helping my body to cycle on its own (most of the time...)

  2. I hope you don't have to take insulin. Praying for you!!
