Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Wow, feeling a bit ashamed, this poor blog has been neglected for almost a year now. 
Not much has changed on the TTC front. I am now on CD10 of my 19th cycle. Back in February we got the results of Peter's more in depth gene sequencing and the results were a bit shocking and confusing. He apparently has 2 CF gene mutations(I don't know them off the top of my head). The confusing part is that it is a known fact that two mutations of the CF gene cause the disease Cystic Fibrosis, however Peter has no signs or symptoms of the disease. 
After finding out the results we met with my CF doctor as well as a genetic counselor. My doctor explained to us that with the mutations he has, he is not classified as having the disease. As far as us having a baby, he said he has never seen the results of both of our mutations acting together (I have 2 copies of delta F508). He said there is still a possibility that if we conceive there is a 50/50 chance of the child not having CF. 
Now for the big news, today we are meeting with Dr. Dayal of the Sher Fertility Institute here is St. Louis. Back in February we went to a seminar on IVF and today we are meeting with her to talk more in depth and to see if it is something we can even afford. My stomach is currently in knots, I am so nervous, I don't know what to expect. 

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